What is the cloud?

The cloud compares to traditional computing much like your water utility compares to digging a well in your back yard; it delivers services and platforms from a central provider's network in a scalable, convenient, cost-effective manner. You pay for just what you need, and you don't have to host expensive equipment or software yourself.

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Is it for me?

There are a wide variety of Cloud services out there, and the best thing about them is that they're scalable by design; if you need more storage, computing power, or additional features, you just adjust your service on the fly! Whether your organization consists of 20 people or 2000 people, there's a solution that's right for you (and will save you money)!

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Is it safe?

Absolutely. In fact, it's probably much safer than your current, traditional set-up. Despite its name, going to the Cloud doesn't mean that your precious data is just "floating around" online. In fact, the Cloud gives you more control than ever when it comes to managing and securing your what's yours.

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